Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fall into Elegance..

Can you believe its Fall already??  The temps are getting cooler and the leaves are beginning to fall.. A nice respite from those hot dry summer days.. This elegant background is from Cajoline Scraps~ Autumn kit..
Just copy and paste the direct code into your design template gadget.. (check out our tutorial page if you'd like help with it)

Enjoy your day..

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Shabby Three Frame Header Template..

Here's a sweet and shabby Header Template for you to play with.. (smiles)  Just take it over to FotoFlexer and make it your own..
Enjoy your day, my friends..

I've made a little video tutorial for you to watch.. It's all about adding your blog title to the top of your new header..  FotoFlexer makes it soo very easy to do.. Gotta Love that !!
(send me a link to your blog, I'd love to see what you've created.. smiles..) 

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Three Photo Header Template Tutorial..

Like this style of header? Me too.. So I thought I would make it fun and easy for anyone to use .. You can add any photos you like to make it your very own design.. Family photos or pictures of your favorite antiques.. The sky's the limit.. So have some fun with it.. (smiles)

Here's the 3 photo header template you'll need.. Just click on it to see it full size, then right click and Save it to your computer.. Now take it over to and make it your own..  Enjoy my friends.. (I'd Love to see your creations.. Wink)

Here's a little video tutorial I put together for ya.. Just click on Play, then click on the arrow in the upper right corner to see the video in a Bigger window..  Hope this helps..

Friday, September 24, 2010

Gently Worn..

Today we have this lovely Gently Worn blog background for you..
Enjoy.. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend..

Friday, September 10, 2010

Grungy Blog Frame..

Hope everybody's having a great day..The days are cooler and we're expecting a spot of RAIN.. Woo Hoo..
Today we have this lovely grungy blog frame for you to enjoy.. Just take it over to FotoFlexer and make it your very own.. Just right click on frame and save to your computer files.. (check out our FotoFlexer tutorial on our Tutorial page ..)

Have fun with it my friends..


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