
How to add Background layout to your blog..

First open up another browser page, so u can toggle between PaisleyCatScraps Free Blog Layouts and ur blog dashboard..

Go to 'Add a new Gadget', scroll down to 'Add Html/Java Script'..click to add it, a new window will open up...Copy and Paste the following Html code into the content box with the title 'lo'...

<style type="text/css">

body {background-image: url(Direct Link); background-position: center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; }


Now toggle over to PaisleyCatScraps Free Blog Layouts and Copy the Html code under the layout picture you want for ur blog...Toggle back  and Paste the Html code inside the ( )'s where it says 'Direct Link'...Be sure to erase the words 'Direct Link' and leave the ( )'s..
Now click on 'Preview'...And be sure to 'Save'...I hope u like ur new blog look.. Send me a link to your blog, won't you? I'd love to visit.. (smiles)

Here's a little Tutorial I made for you.. Hope it helps..

How to add a Header to your blog..

Right click on the blog header of ur choice..Save on ur computer.. Now take it over to your fav Photo Editor to add your blog title, and Save it in your computer files.. Log into ur blog. Go to ur blogs design template. Click in the bottom right side of header where it says 'edit'..in the new window click on browse, find the header picture on ur computer, click to add it... Now click on preview, and Save...I hope you enjoy ur new blog header... Here's a couple of Free Photo Editing sites for you to check out.. Lunapic.com - Photobucket.com -

Here's a little Tutorial I made for you.. Hope its helpful..

How to Add Your Blog Title to my headers..

Hope you enjoy this tutorial I made just for you..(smiles) Just click PLAY, then click the arrow in upper right corner.. (wink)

How to Add Your photo to my blog frames..

I'm sure you've seen blogs that display their post photos in a lovely frame..  And wondered 'How did they do that?'  Well, today I'd like to share with you a Free and easy way for you to do just that..

 Here's a couple of frames to get us started, just right click on the one you want to use and Save it to your computer files.. Now I want you to go to Fotoflexer and click on 'Layers' at the bottom of the screen.. Click on 'Edit from my Computer' and choose the frame you just saved.. Now at the top menu bar, click on 'Add Another Photo' and choose the photo you'd like to use.. Just click on a corner and drag the photo to get it the right size for your frame..Now click on 'push back' and your photo will move behind your frame.. Do you love it? 
Now let's add our Watermark to it.. Go to the menu bar and click on 'Decorate'..and then click on 'Text'.. Just type in your text and you will see it in a little box on top of your framed image, click on a corner and drag the text to the size you like..Now on the right side of the screen you will see a 'text options' box, click on 'transparent'.. Now you can choose your favorite font and colour.. Now just click on the text image and drag it where you want it.. When you have it where you like it, just click on a white space on the screen..( to get the working square to disappear) This is what your image will look like on your blog post.. You can click on 'Fullscreen' to view your creation.. Now go to the menu bar at the top of the screen and click on 'Save'.. Below your image you will see 'format'.. Click on the arrow and choose 'PNG' for transparency.. Now just name your new image and 'Save to your computer files'.. Just click 'quit' to start with a new image..  and you're done.. 

How to make our very own Blinkie..

Here's a link to a Wonderful tutorial by Jeanette @ Easy Custom Blogs..  She does it soo well, I couldn't make it look this easy.. (smiles)  Leave her some 'Comment Love' if you please..  Thanks so much..
Click Here for the tutorial..
Help others to Snag your Blinkie..

Here's another great tutorial from Jeanette @ Easy Custom Blogs..  She explains how to post your blinkie code so your blog friends can 'grab' your blinkie and add it their sidebars with ease.. Thank you Jeanette.. You're Amazing, my friend.. (hugs)

Click Here for the tutorial..

How to make your very own Signature..
and add it to your blog..

Hey ya'll, I am soo excited to tell ya about My Live Signature.com...Thanks to this great site, anybody who wants one, can have their very own signature in every new post..They only have about 120 different fonts to choose from, and a few different colours..And you can make as many as you like...Woo Hoo !!  Soo, to get yours today, just sign up for a FREE accout..~  Make siggies to ur hearts content ~ Save them ~ Go to ' Use Sigs ' ~ Generate HTML code ~ select ur signature ~ Click ' Generate code '~  Now go to ur blog dashboard ~ settings ~ formatting ~ scroll down to ' post template '~ paste the code in the box~ Save....

Ur siggie won't show up in ur older posts, but if you go to post a new entry, you will see it is already there ( I just had to make sure it stayed at the bottom of the post...lol..)   Now I want to give credit where credit is due ~ Gingerlee, thank you so much for these easy to install instructions..And for leading me to MyLiveSignature..

Enjoy ur new siggies everybody!!!

How to Watermark your photos...

Today I would like to show you a fun and easy way to Watermark your photos.. With Lunapic.com..
It's a wonderful and FREE online photo editor.. To get started just upload the photo you'd like to work with.. Now move your curser up there on the menu bar where it say's 'Draw', and click on 'text tool'.. Type in your text ( your name or your blog title).. Now you can choose from a variety of fonts, your colour and size.. Now just click and drag your text on the photo where you want it..Click 'Apply text'.. Now scroll down a bit, see where it say's 'Save to'? Click on computer.. You have just saved it in your computer files..(mine are saved in 'downloads' file) Now you can use it in your blog posts or as a new picture gadget for your sidebar.. Here's one I made of our sweet grandaughter Emma Mae.. Oh how she loves the flowers (smiles) and the water dripping on her feet..

Have fun with it, my friends.. I'd Love to see what you've made.. Send me a link, won't you??


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